In 2008, Todd Wendling's mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. “My mother was an energetic woman who enjoyed many things. There were no early warning signs that something was wrong,” says Wendling. When she was diagnosed, the cancer was already stage IV and she only lived 72 days following her diagnosis. In memory of his mom, Wendling started the Lehigh Valley Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk and says it's for everyone who is affected by this disease. “Seeing what my mother went through was the motivation to make a difference,” he says.
The walk is held every year in September, with Wendling's planning beginning in January. He secures sponsors who support the walk through money or products, he markets through The Morning Call and other mediums and, in the summer, he hangs posters throughout the Lehigh Valley to raise awareness. Leading up to the walk, Wendling works with sponsors to pick up water, snacks and other supplies. They also work directly with the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research. “The Lustgarten Foundation has a private donor who underwrites all of the administrative costs of the foundation,” says Wendling. “This insures that 100 percent of all money raised goes directly towards pancreatic cancer research.”
Wendling is inspired each year during the walk, seeing all the survivors and families who join together for the common goal of raising awareness and funds. “It is great seeing these individuals year after year,” he says. “They give hope to everyone.” The Lehigh Valley walk has an average of 700 participants a year and, in total, has raised over $725,000 towards pancreatic cancer research. This year's walk will be held on Sunday, September 23 in the Lehigh Parkway, and registration is available at lustgarten.org.