An active member of the junior board of directors, Kylee Messenlehner has contributed nearly 200 hours of volunteer work to Camelot for Children's mission. Kylee puts her entire heart into her volunteer work, approaching challenges with a can-do attitude and a smile. Oh, and the kicker? She's in tenth grade.
A sophomore at Saucon Valley High School, Kylee is very good at what she does. Her volunteer work at Camelot for Children, which provides a social gathering place for terminally ill and disabled children, has been noticed and highly praised by the Camelot family. As a member of the junior board of directors, she is responsible for planning and implementing party activities for these chronically ill children. Additionally, she plays a pivotal part in planning fundraising events for Camelot. These include the annual car wash, a flapjack fundraiser and even a junior board lock-in. Her board position allows her to step up and function as a mentor for younger volunteers; an outstanding aptitude for enacting Camelot's mission statement rendered her an obvious role model for four eighth-grade pupils. She's taken these younger volunteers and umpteen times as many ill and disabled children under her wing, and her natural talent to care for and uplift others has made her a volunteer that the organization holds in the highest regard.
Camelot for Children, Inc. | 2354 W. Emmaus Ave., Allentown | 610.791.5683 | camelotforchildren.org