Pamela Haas's husband was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's in February of 2006 after finding a mutation on his fourteenth chromosome, and that became her call to action. Their neurologist suggested getting involved with a local support group of the Alzheimer's Association, which jumpstarted Haas's involvement in the charity.
Shortly after joining, the support group formed a team to participate in the Walk to End Alzheimer's. Haas volunteered to be the captain for their team, and their group, the Angels Against Alzheimer's, has been the number one contributing team for three years now. “When you become involved, you learn of just how many people you know who have a loved one with some type of dementia. I try to be a source of support for those people and direct them to the Alzheimer's Association and any other resources that were of help to my husband and me,” she says. “I recently read in the Alzheimer's Association newsletter that they are looking for additional help, so I hope to be able to expand my volunteering for this organization and to use my experience to help others going through this tough journey.”

Haas's husband passed away eight years after his diagnosis, but still, Haas continues to be an incredibly strong individual who aids her organization and provides support for those within the community. “Do not be afraid to reach out to the Alzheimer's Association for help if you have the disease or have a loved one with it. You should not be embarrassed by it. It's a disease that does not discriminate against age, education, race or anything else. It's a tough journey that no one can do by themselves,” she says. “As the disease progresses, a caregiver needs assistance, support and respite from the responsibility.”
The Alzheimer's Association offers a wide variety of programs and services to assist those living with the disease—or a related dementia—and their families. They provide a 24/7 helpline where people can get information on resources. They also advocate for legislative reform and funding, and aim to educate through their support groups and workshops.