Valerie Lewis began her service career when she was in her teens and, since then, hasn't stopped looking for organizations to dedicate her time to. “I was looking for a way to give back and to make an impact to show my appreciation for how fortunate my life has been,” says Lewis. “Volunteering my time and supporting non-profits has been very gratifying to me, and it just makes me feel right.”
Today, Lewis is involved in four local non-profit organizations throughout the Lehigh Valley. As heart disease is a cause she holds closes to her heart, Lewis serves on the executive board for the American Heart Association. “I lost my dad to heart disease when I was 19, and it is so important to me to be a part of finding a cure and advancing technologies for prevention of heart disease,” she says.
In addition, Lewis serves on the Phoebe Gala Committee and the Miller-Keystone Blood Center Annual Cruise Committee, and she is on the executive board for the 2020 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) Man & Woman of the Year campaign. When Lewis earned the title of LLS Woman of the Year, it was because she raised a record-breaking $121,000 in her 10-week campaign.
“My favorite part [about volunteering] is how much the organizations that I volunteer for appreciate all that you do for them and the impact I am making,” says Lewis.