Pay it forward—three small words with one powerful meaning. For this Allentown resident, it isn't just a saying, but a lifestyle. Anne Giglio, owner of Silver Shears Salon on West Allen Street in Allentown, is a dedicated businesswoman and volunteer who has shaped her life around the idea of helping others.
During her mother's battle with cancer 14 years ago, Giglio was touched by a random act of kindness from a total stranger. It was this humble yet meaningful gesture that made Giglio realize that it was her turn to start doing something for others, stating simply that it's just the thing to do. Giglio has been giving back ever since, especially to those who face the fight against cancer.
Giglio's biggest volunteer venture is her involvement with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Man and Woman of the Year campaign, a national, ten-week competition to raise funds for blood cancer research. This year, Giglio was recognized as the first woman to raise $106,000 and was given the title “Woman of the Year” for the Lehigh Valley chapter.
Though Giglio is extremely proud of her “Woman of the Year” achievement, her involvement is about much more than a title. To her, the most important aspect of volunteering is the ability to be a good person. When life is good and going well, that means it's time to pay it forward, giving kindness and support to others.