Photo by Colin Coleman Photography
If you are unfamiliar with The Perfect Fit for Working Women, they are a nonprofit career development center and boutique for low income women entering the workforce. Based out of the Allentown YMCA and a program of the YWCA, The Perfect Fit provides women referred to them with clothing and accessories for job interviews to look the part and assistance in creating resumes and cover letters to be the part. All for no cost at all.
How can you help out? That answer is also incredibly easy. Bring your gently used (or preferably new) purses, makeup, jewelry, and business clothing to the #LVSWomen networking event on Wednesday, 8/17 to donate to The Perfect Fit. If you aren’t willing to part with your clothes or have very few, something as little as a Walmart or Kmart gift card would do the trick. Anything to help a woman confidently walk into an interview.
Proceeds from the raffle at the Women of Style event will also be going to The Perfect Fit, so be sure to have your cash and clothing ready for this Wednesday from 5-7 p.m. at the Wood Dining Room at Lehigh University’s Iacocca Hall. If you don’t already have your tickets, get them here.