Lauren and Gabrielle Tomasino started Glamour Addict as a freelance salon a decade ago, and their expertise in beautifying and emboldening their clients has only sharpened over time. With a mother and grandmother leading the way, Gabrielle and her older sister have always known what the gift of great hair can do for a person.
Do you have any advice on getting out of a hairstyling rut?
I always tell my clients, “Don't be afraid of change.” A lot of people get really comfortable and get used to doing their hair the same way for months and years. They do nothing to change it. Depending on what they're comfortable with, we can do something new and fun, and they're usually happy after we change it up. It changes their confidence, their whole style, their look. It can make them feel younger. People get a whole new attitude. It's awesome to see.
Name one hair care product that you can't live without.
Call Me Becky, from our own Glamour Addict line, is a defrizz lotion. It's good for clients who just want to wash and go, who don't have time to blow-dry, and it's great for clients who want to blow-dry, too. It helps a blow-dry last longer.
What do you like best about your job?
I just love being able to make women feel good about themselves. [There aren't] a lot of jobs where you have someone come in feeling bored or upset with the way they look and get to transform them, give confidence, make them feel they look better, put a pep in their step. Ever since I was little, I was cutting my Barbies' hair, going with my older sister to photo shoots—it's kind of in my blood!
What's the biggest challenge?
It's the unrealistic expectations, sometimes—people with jet-black hair wanting to be platinum blonde. I tell them there's a process involved to keep the integrity of their hair. We have to take steps to get you there; it's not going to happen all in one day. That's the hardest part. It's frustrating, but we usually make them happy.
Is there a style icon that inspires you?
Kylie Jenner, just because she's very daring with her hair. She wears a lot of different wigs, different colors. She's changing the hair game, going outside the box with colors and wigs and extensions. She's really trendy and definitely the new age of hairstyle. I had to do so much research on wigs because I couldn't believe how [often] all the Kardashians wear wigs.
What's a hair trend you're excited about?
Right now, balayage is huge, and roots are in. That's been for about a year. Everyone wants that more natural look, almost like the sun hit your hair, but it's actually hand-painted highlighting. Roots go hand in hand with balayage. Back in the day, if you saw the slightest root, you got it covered up. Now, it's trendier to have a dark root with lighter ends. People will come in with their hair already grown out. They don't want to highlight all the way to the root.
What's your favorite thing about summer style?
I love summer—everything about the beach. I love that beachy look, the big hair. The really natural-looking beach waves are my favorite. I love when the hair looks so natural, but, of course, as women, we have products that can make it look that way. I love the cool rompers and wedges. I feel like in the winter, it's all boots, and I'm so ready for wedges and sandals.
24 S. 8th St., Allentown | 610.810.1900 | glamouraddict.com