Do You Know Knoll?
If someone told you that a company in our region partners with some of the world's most famous designers, would ...
If someone told you that a company in our region partners with some of the world's most famous designers, would ...
Standing on the deck of Lisa Stephen's house in Eastport, Maine, you can look across the water and see Canada. ...
Building a custom home can be a huge undertaking even when someone else is doing the detail work. But for ...
Thirty-four hundred square feet of stark, empty, white space can be either the most intimidating thing facing a homeowner, or ...
Are you the proud owner of a backyard that makes everyone who sees it say “Wow,” or could your landscape ...
Creating a gorgeous home with exotic materials, top-of-the-line appointments and an army of subcontractors is one thing. Doing it with ...
It's fitting that Dave McCormack and Dru Thomas kick-start their holiday season each year with a Black Friday trip to ...
Now that her children are grown and she has retired from a career as a computer engineer, it's not surprising ...
When you've followed a career arc from fashion model to creative director to interior designer, living in Paris, London and ...