By: Lehigh Valley Style July 2016, Style Scene, Gallery, feed - style scene, Lehigh Valley Style
Style Scene photos from the Celebration of Caring event.Benefit: United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley Location: DeSales University

: Tina Jones and Debbie Young

: Michaelle Smith and Rennard Clayton

: Michele Grasso and Lisa Luciano

: Alan and Tammy Rex

: Ashley Russo, Victor Salicetti and Dorota Kozak

: Brett and Paula Johnson

: Brittany Sedler, Georganne Seeley, Carla Hickey, Kristin Reitenauer and Pattie Kurnik

: David Yanoshik, and Tekla and Anthony Onarata

: Emily Paulin and Katie Wallace

: Jeff and Molly Brown

: Josue Rosario and Judy Casamassa

: Kristine Ortiz and Jill Brader

: Lisa Fiore and Renee Hislop

: Marco Calderon and Victor Salicetti

: Michael Schlossberg and Carol Obando-Derstine

: Mike Reifinger

: Phil and Deborah Jackson

: Sarah Lewis, Cheyanne Wood and Kelly Chando

: Sean and Alicia Steckert

: Kris Grantham, Darlene Pors, Carrie Ward, Frances Hesselbein, Kathy Leber and Marilee Falco

: Deb and Gerry Nau

: Sean Linder and Jill Kamant

: Stephanie Wells and Mike Kelly

: Terry Huber and Kim Erickson

: Bernetta Frantz and Angela Marie Nardini

: Debbie and Bill Young
Photos by Michelle Coppola Photography