By: Event, Lehigh Valley Style, Lehigh Valley Style May 2017, Style Scene
Benefit: American Heart Association
Location: DeSales University

: Amy Josar and Annette Pompa

: Anne and Brad Baum

: Annie and Andy Wright

: Bill Coder and Tara Sokola

: Bonnie and Raymond Singer

: Bonnie and Tom Griffin

: Bonnie Singer, Lara Singer, Raymond Singer, Julia Singer, and Brenda Schlenger

: Brian O'Reilly and Melanie Falcon

: Chris and Judianne Harris

: Christie and Nicholas Polito

: Connie and Cliff Cardine

: Doug and Christy Warfel

: Elaine and Tom Whalen

: Greg and Lauren Scagliotti

: Jennifer Mann and Pam Deller

: Jim and Hope Pearson

: Josh Ryland and Tracy Wavrek

: Karli and Emily Bernfeld

: Kausar and Jaffer Shiraz

: Kerianne Geist and Val Lewis

: Lani Senftleben and Gayanne Grossman

: Lisa and Jeff Bernfeld

: Makenzie Muhs and Gail Hunsberger

: Michael Siwy and Vita Falcone

: Michelle Koch and Ron Rushe

: Rebecca and JP Karoly, and Brittany and Josh Karoly

: Ron and Michelle Young

: Ron Young and Matt Frailey

: Sarah and Phil Dolcemascolo

: Skye Henry and Kevin Greene

: Stan and Bev Pohlit

: Stephanie Wean and Cara Butz

: Teresa and Marvin Johnson

: Travis and Trisha Gaskill

: Victor Cimerol and Lori Hefele
Photography by Vlad Image Studio