By: feed - style scene, Lehigh Valley Style July 2014, Events, Style Scene, Lehigh Valley Style, Gallery, Who's Who
: Kelly Frantz and Marianne Prince
: Rick Paukstitus, Annie Hummel and Rich Albertson
: Ashley Keller, John Ferreira and Laura Bogert
: Charliese and George King
: Connie Hood, Andrea Brady and Betsy Storey-Bono
: Elizabeth Sanchez and Jaccii Farris
: Erich Schock and Joseph Bubba
: John Cali and Denise Cali
: Andrea Brady, Chris Potash and Krista Ortwein
: Rob Gontkosky, Joe Marino and Rob Schimony
: Shannon Seng, Robin Blose and Rosemary Bennington
: Melissa Pedone, Dan Mies and Kelly Ronalds
: Rick Paukstitus, Annie Hummel and Rich Albertson
: Tom Lynch, John Daniels, Mary Ellen Racz, Rob Schimony and Joe Marino
: Steve Weisberg and Pam Deller
: Andy Wright and Paul Goodwin
: Cindy Dinbokowitz, Diane Beslanovits and Paula Roginsky
: Deanna Colagio and Heather Lloyd
: Dudley Mann, Anne Baum, Tami Herzog and Heather Kowatch
: Ellyn Elstein
: Jennifer and Steve Mittman
: Kevin Whitmire, Alice Parry, Debbie Noguerol and Dennis Costello
: Kolleen Long and Jon Kuhns
: Kolleen Long and Jon Kuhns
: Audrey Rehnert and Jennifer White
: Donna Celentano, Larry Reese, Jessica Snyder, Mike Dougherty and Sharon Cassidy
: Gail Mrowinski
: Carol Gibiser
: Audrey Rehnert, Jennifer White and Carl Gibiser
: Brad Rinehart
: Kari Skrip
photos by colin coleman fotos