The Lehigh Valley Style team has been practicing social distancing for a little over two weeks now, and we've been adjusting to our new remote work schedules. But on Thursday, March 26, we knew we had to acknowledge our coworker (marketing and events manager) Kelli Hertzog's 30th birthday in a big way. By doing so, we realized how fun socially distant celebrations can be! Here are some easy ways to make anyone's birthday celebration special from afar.
Video Celebrations
We started the day off with a 10 a.m. video call where we sang ‘Happy Birthday,' and Kelli opened the gift that we had sent to her.
Contact-less Yard Balloons
Then, we told Kelli to look out her window. To her surprise, she saw giant birthday balloons on her front lawn! Did you know that BalloonWorks is offering no-contact lawn and porch deliveries? Brighten the day of a loved one celebrating a special occasion during quarantine! Click here for more info.
Social Distancing Photography
Our publisher, Pam Deller, even drove over to Kelli's apartment to take socially-distant photos of her with her balloons—from at least six feet away on the front lawn. (Photos coming soon to an Instagram feed near you!)
Dessert Delivery
At noon, Kelli received a text that her food had been delivered—but Kelli hadn't ordered any food! She went outside to find a no-contact delivery from Lehigh Pizza. Editor Kristen Rinaldi gifted her a fresh-from-the-oven S'Mores Pizza and a dozen chocolate chip cookies. Fun fact: The cookies were the size of Kelli's head! (This was unbeknownst to Kristen when she ordered a whopping 12 of them.)
Make-Your-Own Online Gifts
Later that day, Kelli received another gift from Style sales executive Kellie Bartholomew—it was a Sugarfina CandyDrop! The e-gift allowed Kelli to build her own Bento Box of candies for delivery. Talk about a gift that keeps on giving!
Virtual Happy Hour
Finally, the Style girls concluded the day with a 5:30 p.m. virtual happy hour. Kelli enjoyed a glass of Folino's Frizzante Rosato. (And yes, Folino is still offering curbside wine pick-up as well as a $5 flat rate shipping fee!) We laughed, we laughed some more, and we celebrated our dear friend Kelli.
The day was socially distant, but it was very much filled with love.