We talked to Matt Baker, founder and head coach at The Refinery Fitness in Coopersburg, about his wellness routine, workouts, daily habits, motivation and more. Read through his answers for inspiration from this former professional soccer player.
Set your sights on a goal and go after it full throttle.
What is your personal philosophy when it comes to overall wellness?
My philosophy on wellness is that it’s so important to stay active, and everything in moderation. Stay active through training for a race, perfecting your technique within a sport or chasing your kids around. Remain flexible with your routine and adjust based on your goals.
What are some notable aspects of your daily habits that have made a huge impact on your lifestyle and well-being in a positive way?
Consistency. Set your sights on a goal and go after it full throttle. As a former professional soccer player, life was structured and required a lot of discipline. This shaped my daily routine to get the tough tasks out of the way first thing in the morning, in order to end the day with relaxation, fun and family.
How about your nighttime routine?
I normally work long hours so having a calming nighttime routine helps me decompress. A hot shower, aromatherapy and white noise to fall asleep does the trick.
I try to use only clean, cruelty-free products. Right now, I’m loving the brand Saje Natural Wellness [for my aromatherapy]. It’s 100-percent natural, cruelty-free and everything smells amazing!
What are your favorite healthy, easy-to-make meals at home?
My favorite kitchen appliance is my rice cooker. Quick and easy is the name of the game with my wife and our busy schedules. Jasmine rice, chicken and vegetables is a staple in our household.
What are your favorite eateries and restaurants to visit in the Lehigh Valley for a good meal?
We are frequent flyers at Playa Bowls, White Orchids and a hidden gem in Hellertown called PA House. I appreciate fresh ingredients!
Is there anywhere locally that you love to shop for grocery items?
Arnold’s Market for local produce and Whole Foods delivery. I really appreciate the delivery option because there’s only so much time in a day and that’s one less thing to try to squeeze in. It also allows me to be more intentional with what I buy. My wife and I will usually look up recipes for our meals for the week, plan out our snacks and that’s it. It has cut down on our waste significantly.
What’s something that you love to indulge in?
Ice cream is my kryptonite. Growing up, my mom always had ice cream as her evening treat. She even had a special ice cream bowl and freezer. Needless to say, ice cream brings back fond memories and continues to be a treat that I indulge in. My wife and I went to Italy years ago and of course we became gelato connoisseurs and are always on the lookout for the best in the Valley. We are currently loving Batch Microcreamery and The Inside Scoop.
Where are your favorite places to visit in the Valley to stay active and/or get outside?
I pretty much live at our new training facility in Coopersburg, Perfect Touch Sports Facility. We offer adult strength and conditioning classes, sport-specific strength training and soccer skills and development. We also have land that we are hoping to convert to be more conducive to outdoor training.
What’s your preferred method of working out?
My favorite type of workout is the Capacity class that we offer at The Refinery Fitness. It combines team training and strength and conditioning. With my background in team sports, it’s nice to feel the support from those around you. We were intentional in developing a class that creates connection through teamwork.
When it comes to mental health, do you have any practices or daily habits?
Soccer has always been my happy place. All my problems and stress disappear when I have a ball at my feet. Outside of soccer, I have focused on sharing more and not letting things build up inside.
How do you stay motivated when it comes to wellness and fitness?
The drive to being better each and every day is what keeps me motivated to continue to move and be better. Setting goals is helpful as well—whether it be completing a Spartan Race, half marathon or just getting a new lifting PR. Having a focus on wellness and fitness will allow me to live a more active life. A new goal of mine is to keep up with our 15-month-old daughter for years to come.
Is there anyone you look up to in the wellness/fitness space?
I admire anyone that has the drive and consistency to excel at the highest level in their sport.
What would your advice be to someone struggling to find a wellness routine that works for them?
Keep trying and give it time. Having someone to keep you accountable is a great way to help make sure you are showing up for yourself. Consistency is key.
112 Springfield St., Coopersburg | refineyourfitness.com | Instagram
Published as “Living Well With” in the September 2023 edition of Lehigh Valley Style magazine.