The Fab Lab is the most rare of environments where Old World skills, state of the art technologies and a phenomenal staff harmoniously converge, propelling artists, entrepreneurs and curious citizens into the realization of their dreams, passions and prototypes. This special space is open to the public for instruction in 3D printing, laser cutting, guitar building, wood and metalworking, robotics and much more.
The luthier program is one of the many appealing facets of the Lab. Making a quality instrument from scratch allows students and instructors to expertly exploit the rich dimensions of the work space. The process involves high- and low-tech methodology, physics, electronics, all kinds of wood testing and audio. Unsurprisingly, it draws a lot of people to the facility for a fascinating, heuristic experience that produces some really sweet guitars.
Sparks to start a “Fab Lab” were flamed into a fire after NCC Dean Paul Pierpoint read Neil Gershenfeld's book, FAB. In 2008, he raised a small amount of money to purchase a 3-D printer, a laser machine, a CNC router and a few select woodworking tools to create the only Fab Lab in the Lehigh Valley. For the first few years they were understaffed and gained little traction. However, in 2010, he brought the wildly talented Jeffrey Boerner on board to start a woodworking program. Their collaboration continues to ingeniously augment the powerful potential of the facility.
“Martin Guitar, Weiler Corporation and others have also stepped forward and generously donated their time and money to help the Fab Lab grow into what it is today,” Boerner says.
Clearly, Pierpoint's vision is gaining fruitful momentum. “NCC's Fab Lab is helping to create a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the shadow of the old Bethlehem Steel blast furnaces and throughout the region. We believe that if we give everyone with a dream access to tools that can make almost anything- incredible things will happen,” Pierpoint says.
The Lab is dedicated to remaining elastic in order to continuously guide and serve the protean needs of the community. Come by at night to learn or stretch your woodworking skills. Develop a prototype, build a full-blown invention or refine an existing product. Artists will be in heaven when they encounter the exquisite technical precision of cutting edge technology that engenders manifold possibilities for two- and three-dimensional creations.
Fab Lab is harnessing an impressive range of academic and creative energies, producing a palpable path for dreams and ideas to flourish in the shared world. Don't be daunted by the futuristic technology or the exceptional minds guiding the Lab. It is an unpretentious environment that will inspire and ignite the maker within anyone who enters its doors.
“Come in and we'll get you started,” Boerner says, enthusiastically. Since visiting Fab Lab, I can't imagine a more intriguing invitation.
610.332.8665 | fablab@northampton.edu | facebook.com/nccfablab