It happens. Every once in a while Fido escapes off of his leash and heads for the hills. But this time he doesn't come back right away. Don't panic. According to a survey, 93% of dogs and 75% of cats reported missing are returned to their owners. If you find yourself in this scary situation, here are 10 helpful tips to bring Fido back home.
- Contact and visit local shelters. Most shelters, dog pounds and animal control offices have set protocols about lost pets. File a lost pet report with every organization you can.
- Call the local veterinarian. Sometimes people bring animals they find to the care of a vet. They can also help get the word out about your lost pet.
- Search your neighborhood. Drive and walk around your neighborhood to see if your pet has found his or her way back.
- Ask friends and neighbors for help. Alert your friends and neighbors of your lost pet and ask them to keep an eye out for him or her.
- Put up posters. Post flyers at various places such as grocery stores, community centers, veterinary offices, traffic intersections and pet supply stores. It is also a good idea to place an ad in a local newspaper or radio station. Include your pet's sex, age, weight, breed, color and any special markings.
- Post on pet recovery websites and services. Use sites such as craigslist.org, thecenterforlostpets.com and rubythelostgreyhound.org.
- Try a lost pet recovery service. There are lost pet services, such as findtoto.com, that contact homes, veterinarians, shelters and animal control organizations for a fee to help find your pet.
- Place food and water outside your home. Your pet may venture back to your home when they get hungry or thirsty.
- Tell everyone you meet that your pet is missing. The more people who know about your missing pet, the greater the chance someone will find him or her in the area.
- Don't give up. Be adamant in your search and never lose hope. Keep at it every day and your chances of finding your pet will increase.