Robyn Freeman embraced the vegan lifestyle 10 years ago, but once she'd made the switch, she became frustrated by the lack of vegan options readily available to curb her sweet tooth. That's where the concept for No Whey was born. “It was a triple-dog dare of sorts that I just could not walk away from,” says Freeman. “Within a nanosecond, I had made this a full-blown mission to prove that vegan desserts could be just as good, if not better, than non-vegan.” Freeman draws inspiration from her favorite childhood sweets, but she credits her husband, Dan, as her “flavor muse.” Fan favorites include their chocolate peanut-butter caramel cake with cream cheese frosting, toasted almond coconut cranberry cookie, carrot cake and lemon cheesecake.
No Whey does not have a storefront, as they work off of online orders and have seven local partners across the Valley who carry their goods. “The concept of No Whey was to partner with existing restaurants and coffee shops through the Valley [to] make our desserts more accessible than having only one storefront,” says Freeman. “We also offer meetups and a delivery service for custom orders, whether it be for a party, wedding, corporate deliveries or just a standard No Whey craving!”
732.259.7025 | nowheybakery.com