With the end of the summer upon us, September means just one thing: back to business. But the fun doesn't have to end—life looks a lot sunnier behind the lenses of any one of these designer pairs!
1. Melrose by Seraphin, Wichryk Eye, $339
2. Christian Dior's No 52, Wichryk Eye, $379
3. Lafont Clac, Wichryk Eye, $379
4. Jono Hennessy, Fox Optical, $375
5. Michael Kors, Progressive Vision Institute, $240
6. Götti ‘Jonas,' Fox Optical, $495
7. Ray Ban, Progressive Vision Institute, $210
8. Gold and Wood's Soho, Wichryk Eye, $889
9. Vera Bradley, Progressive Vision Institute, $225
10. Moschino's 509, Wichryk Eye, $309