Starting December 17 in the Decorative Arts Corridor at the Allentown Art Museum, beautiful color woodcuts will be on display until April 1. This exhibit features the work of British artists, including John Edgar Platt, William Giles, Allen Seaby and more.
Japanese color woodcuts had a large influence on Western art in the 1920s and 1930s. The West knew little of the art in Japan until trade relations opened up in the middle of the 19th century. Woodcuts experienced a revival in Japan in the 1920s as part of the modern art movement, and as a result, Platt, Giles and Seaby became masters of the technique in the West.
Soaring and Bounding: British Color Woodcuts is on loan from the collection of John Rossetti. This exhibit complements Frank Lloyd Wright's Francis Little House Library, on permanent view at the museum, due to Far East art influencing his architectural style.
Allentown Art Museum | 31 N. 5th St., Allentown | 610.432.4333 | allentownartmuseum.org