This May, experience the world of miniature art at The Snow Goose Gallery in Bethlehem. Subject matter will be portrayed at one-sixth life-size or smaller, with the overall image not exceeding 25 square inches, demanding rigid control by the artists. Though the work may be minuscule in size, it is massive in content: The owners of the gallery invited only international award winners to participate in this Silver Anniversary exhibition. With the artists hailing from all over the U.S., Australia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Israel, Romania, South Africa and Wales, they represent a variety of different media and art forms, ranging from acrylic, oil, watercolor, pastel, drawing, pen and ink, colored pencil, scratchboard, encaustic, etchings, paper carvings and sculptures.
The exhibition's opening reception will take place on Sunday, May 7 from 1–5 p.m., where several of the participating artists will be present and happy to discuss their work. Beginning opening weekend, you can view the work on the gallery's website, but this art is best experienced in person. The exhibition will run through June 11, 2017. For more information, contact The Snow Goose Gallery.
The Snow Goose Gallery | 470 Main St., Bethlehem | thesnowgoosegallery.com | 610.974.9099