1. Blow dryers are your friend.
Increasingly, young professionals are going to the abruptly-parted, hair-combed-to-one-side look. There's nothing wrong with that—in fact, there's a simple way to make your hair stay in one direction that most men don't incorporate into their morning or evening routine. While your hair's still wet, grab your blow dryer (or borrow one from your significant other) and gently comb your hair the way you want it to stay while aiming the blow dryer diagonally up in the same direction. You'll be amazed by how easily your hair stays in place once you put a little product in.
2. Don't wash away that excess product!
Hair products are expensive. Beards are in. If you don't have a beard, consider growing one, and if you've got a little extra goop on your hands after satisfactorily applying it to your hair, run your fingers and hands over your beard. This will give your facial hair a more groomed appearance, and if your occupation is anything other than lumberjack, you'll earn points from coworkers for keeping your whiskers tamed. Oh, and if you aren't keeping your neckline cleanly shaven, then please start yesterday.
3. Do we really need to remind you to iron your clothing?
Walk around any major city. You're certain to see some men who can afford having their clothes professionally dry cleaned, and you'll also see some gentlemen who look like they wore their khakis to bed the past four nights. The easiest way to avoid looking like a chump when you're heading out for drinks or going to work is to plan ahead. If you know that you have a company happy hour on Thursday night, pick your outfit on Wednesday and iron it ahead of time. Working a job where you need to wear a suit every day? If you can't afford the dry cleaning costs, iron tomorrow's outfit tonight. Or, better yet, get all of your ironing done on Sunday. With a set, ironed outfit for every day of the week, you'll not only save time in your grooming routine but you'll also stand out amongst the swarms of wrinkle-clad men.
4. Invest in shoe polish (or a shoe sponge).
A lot of shoes are made to look old, and we dig that. Other shoes, however, look best when they're sparkling and brand-spanking-new. Spending a little money on a shoe polish is the easiest way to keep your leather looking tip-top. If you don't want to make the effort to learn how to properly shine your own shoes, brands like Kiwi make great, color-specific express shine sponges that you can run once or twice over your shoes in the morning or before going out after work in order to keep your shoes looking new. Express shoeshine sponges usually cost around $5 and last for a good amount of time, rendering this style tip one that any man can afford.
5. Move, man. Move!
You might love this tip or you might hate it. Facts are facts though, Jack, and simple science says that exercising regularly is pretty darned beneficial in more ways than one. That's right, as a man looking to increase your overall style you simply must exercise. The relationship between regular exercise and confidence is unbelievably real. Some people might even say that it's too real, and a confident, fit man can be spotted and identified right away. You know about the physical benefits too, right? We thought so. There's nothing wrong with having your suits fit a little snugly in the chest, biceps and rump, and your successes in the office and after hours may, in fact, depend on your physical prowess. So get out on a trail, get under some iron or Bikram your way into the healthiest you that you can create, because your health will undoubtedly be reflected in your style.