The beauty of decay and the unimpeachable majesty of nature form equally magnetic poles in the diverse work of Yevette Hendler. Romance, rot and alluring abstraction radiate out from these rich coordinates, providing a seemingly endless world of evocative images.
Hendler is the consummate digital detective, uncovering the harmonies hidden among a variety of images and motifs. The breadth and depth of her art is possible, in part, because her camera is practically an extension of her body. In fact, friends who see her without it question her well-being.
Staying dialed in to the endless aesthetic potentials of life and continuously searching for special combinations of objects and light ignite her imagination. Like many accomplished artists, Hendler has learned how to look deeply into things, allowing details and surprising nuances to guide her instincts.
The photographic arts didn't capture her heart until she entered the fourth decade of her life. She recalls driving the family crazy with her obsessive documentation of pedestrian happenings. Every day, she needed to find something meaningful through the lens. She recalls, “The more I looked, the more I saw.”
Sometimes, through seeing comes healing. By extracting the remarkable from the unnoticed, Hendler's work became her anchor in the storms of life. In fact, the ongoing process of looking for click-worthy subjects, and the anticipation this search generates, is a kind of therapy for her. She says, “Wherever I go, I tend to consider my surroundings my studio. Every visual has the potential of becoming my art. Since I love rich images with strong contrast, I gravitate to subjects that start out that way—strong shadows, dramatic lighting,” she says. “I feel something every step of the way while creating my art, from capturing the image to processing and printing it. My hope is that that comes through in the final piece of artwork.”
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