Former biological-science teacher, Dixie Lincoln-Nichols is curating toxicant-free beauty and wellness products right in Downtown Allentown. A proponent of self-care, living with a purpose and healing from the inside out, Lincoln-Nichols is changing lives one affirmation candle at a time.
Dixie Lincoln-Nichols
Founder & CEO
Tell us how you go about curating the products that are offered at the beauty market.
I.O. Beauty Market is a toxicant-free beauty, wellness, personal-care and household-care brand. That said, it's important for us to partner with vendors whose ethos matches our own.
We attend beauty shows and expos. We scour social media and look at the clean-beauty brands that are resonating with women. We also receive recommendations from users who love certain brands, and we have brands reaching out to us.
In addition, we have a forbidden list, so we don't consider vendors if they have ingredients found on the list. Though we are toxicant-free, we also believe in efficacy, which means we literally test all the products to ensure they are doing what they say they do.
Another area that's extremely important in the curating process is diversity and inclusivity. We ensure that the vendors, as well as the products in our store, are truly representative of the diverse world we live in.

Tell us what prompted your transition from being a biological-science/chemistry teacher to becoming a self-care connoisseur—and describe what that process entailed!
I've always been fascinated with the workings of the human body, so teaching about the body felt like the natural thing to do when medical school was put on hold. However, around 40, I began to experience a constant feeling of sickness, emptiness and loneliness. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but what I did know, in my gut, in my heart, was that I was not living on purpose.
I eventually realized that my life was void of self-care—a term I first heard when Oprah Winfrey interviewed Cheryl Richardson in 1992. It all came back and it all made complete sense. Self-care was what I needed. I had become very proficient at caring for everyone else and leaving myself undone in some very critical areas of my life. So I decided to honor the calling I felt, the calling to fine-tune and utilize my passion to get clear on my purpose. And so I quit my teaching job and embarked on a self-care sabbatical.
The sabbatical led me to mentors, teachers, healers, educators and experts who poured into me and filled me up. I eventually became a certified health and wellness coach and went to London's School of Naturopathic Medicine to study detoxing and weight loss.
I was granted the opportunity to examine my life inside and out. It led to an awareness of what was lacking, acceptance of the lack and the courage to take action so that I could thrive, wholly and abundantly. I wanted purpose and the universe conspired to bring it to me. So here I am. Currently I'm working on completing a qigong certification.
What are some of the beauty market's best sellers?
Best sellers include Jacq's Organics skin-care line, The Beauty Chef's gut-health products, Honey Pot's personal-care products, affirmation candles and skin moisturizers.

Describe some of the main skin-care issues that can be treated naturally with the products that you curate.
At I.O. Beauty Market, we believe that internal health affects external health, so we offer products that work to heal from the inside and out.
Without a doubt, acne is one of the most common skin issues we hear about. We offer facial-care systems that gently and effectively manage acne. Another skin issue people come in about is allergies, which sometimes occur because many people use products with synthetic fragrances that cause adverse skin reactions. We also carry oil-rich butters and creams that are wonderful for sufferers of eczema and dry skin.
For internal health, we stock bio-fermented probiotic and prebiotic drinks and powders that work to promote gut health, an area that has been linked to many health issues including skin care and digestive issues. Last but not least, we carry products that combat fine lines and premature wrinkling due to environmental damage.
What should consumers look for when re-examining their medicine cabinets?
Your medicine cabinet should consist of items that are currently in rotation, not expired ones from three years ago. So know the shelf life of the products you use. Once they expire, get rid of them.
What would you say is the very first step toward toxin-free living—something easy that readers can start doing instantly?
The first step is to know and understand what toxicants are, how they can adversely affect your body and the names of common toxicants found in beauty, personal-care and household-care products.
Tell us about the I.O. Beauty blog!
The I.O. Beauty blog is an extension of our retail space, where we educate readers about basic body functions, safer beauty and wellness alternatives and other self-care resources to help them optimize their wellness inside and out.
What's the consumer's experience like when shopping at the market's retail location?
Customers love the ambiance that the store offers. It's bright and intimate. They explore by asking questions, sharing experiences and engaging in dialogue that pertains to health and wellness. There is also lots of interaction with the products, which is important. We've created stimuli within the store to engage our customers' senses, because we want them to have positive memories and a lasting impression about our brand.
26 N. 6th St. Suite 150, Allentown | 646.849.5170 | iobeautymarket.com