*This article was originally published on mensfitnessafter50.com.
“I'll start working out when I can find the time.” Sound familiar? One of the most common reasons for delaying the start of an exercise program is the perception of not having enough time. I say perception because, in reality, we could all have the time.
I know that at least some of you reacted to that statement with a, “NO, really, I don't!” Maybe that is true for a small few, but let's look at how we could, if we really wanted to, carve out the time to fit in some exercise.
Let's start with how much time we need to find. Workouts don't need to take hours each day. I've put together 15-minute workouts for some of my clients that can be quite effective. The Tabata protocol1 is effective and its only four minutes long (and who can't fit in four minutes?). Fitting in your workout becomes more a question of what time you are willing to dedicate. Then choose the most “bang for your buck” exercises to perform in that time.
Here are a few ways to find or make the time you need.
Get Up Earlier
Let's face it: If you get up a little bit earlier, you can fit some exercise in. Initially, it may not be easy to roll out of bed earlier than you normally do, but it can quickly become a habit. Get your workout clothes ready and put them by your bed the night before. This will make it easier to get up and get going.
Chunk It Up
You can break up your workout into smaller segments—do a few minutes here, a few minutes there. Maybe you start with a set of lunges, then, an hour later, do some push ups, and an hour later do a few 30-second planks. This method also breaks up long periods of sitting.
Schedule An Appointment
You know that if you needed to set a meeting with your boss or one of your employees, you would find the time, book it and stick to it. So, with the same commitment, book an appointment with yourself for exercise and stick to it. Then, if someone asks to schedule something else during that time, you simply say, “Sorry, I have another appointment.”
Exercise Before Dinner
For most people, once they eat dinner and get into that relaxed mode, exercise just isn't going to happen. Commit to doing some kind of exercise before you sit down to eat. If you happen to come home from work and are starving, have a piece of fruit or yogurt before you head out to exercise.
These are just a few of the possibilities, but, hopefully, they give you some ideas about how you can find/make the time to fit exercise in. After all, isn't taking care of yourself worth a little schedule manipulation?

Mark A Nutting, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D, ACSM-CEP, etc.
Mark, with his wife Heather, are owners of Jiva Fitness in downtown Easton. Mark is a 37-year veteran personal trainer with two National Awards to his name, the 2009 NSCA Personal Trainer of the Year and the PFP 2016 Trainer of the Year Legacy Award. He is an avid blogger and just completed his first book, The Business of Personal Training (Human Kinetics Feb. 2018). Mark is excited to be posting on fitness for Lehigh Valley Style.