There's a lot of information out there when it comes to diet, fitness and everything else that contributes to one's overall wellness. With the help of some Valley professionals, we're simplifying all that noise and leaving you with a few tried, true and healthy takeaways!

Gut Check
If you're looking for a barometer of your overall health, look no further than your own gut, says nutritionist Kathy Harrington of the Bethlehem Nutrition and Wellness Center. "If our digestive system isn't working well, then we're not going to be able to absorb nutrients from the foods we eat, and if we don't absorb our nutrients, then we won't have the building blocks our body needs to create health and vitality."
Symptoms of an unhealthy gut:
Gas, bloating, cramping, pain, constipation, diarrhea and heartburn
How to whip your gut into shape:
- Identify and eliminate food allergies and intolerances from the diet.
- Make every trip to the bathroom count by eating enough fiber, drinking enough water and getting adequate exercise.
- Protect “good” gut bacteria by not overusing antibiotics.
What is “good” bacteria?
- According to Harrington, good bacteria benefits the host (you) while reaping its own benefits.
- Feed good bacteria with vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruit and prebiotics.
- Steer clear of sugars and refined flours favored by "bad" bacteria, which can cause damage to the cells of the host, says Harrington.
Skip The Fad Diets
Every year, there's a new get-slim-quick diet that promises to deliver a bathing suit bod in record time. But buyer (or dieter) beware, cautions nutritionist Angie Fenstermaker of Angie's Way Nutrition. “All fad diets ‘work' in terms of shedding some pounds,” she says. “But typically, fad diets do not teach people how to unravel years of poor habits that caused the weight gain in the first place.”
If going full gusto with a diet overhaul seems too overwhelming, Fenstermaker recommends starting with small changes:
Add in another serving of green vegetables, or increase your water intake.
Find ways to reward yourself other than food. Treat yourself to a nice hot bath, read a good book or chat with a friend.
Focus on your overall health, not just your weight. “At the end of the day, ‘health' is everything you do or don't do to your body,” Fenstermaker says.

Bust a Move and a Sweat
Just like making smarter dietary choices requires commitment, getting physically fit means putting in real work. “It needs to become a lifestyle,” says Carullo. “Getting into shape is a journey, and you cannot change every poor behavior all at once.”
How much exercise does an average person really need to stay in shape?
According to Carullo, 20 minutes of metabolically taxing activity every day would suffice. Or, 45 minutes of the same caliber of activity, three to four times a week, would also do the trick.
Weight training or cardio?
Both, if you really want to maximize your gains. “A cardio workout burns more calories,” Carullo says. “However, you burn more calories hours after a weightlifting session, unlike cardio.”
Do you really need to stretch?
Yes. “It's imperative that every workout include a dynamic warm-up (moving as you're stretching), followed by a cool down,” Carullo says. “Not only will your workouts improve tremendously, but you will decrease your risk of injury.”
Strike a Pose... and Clear Your Mind
The physical gains from a consistent yoga routine have been well-documented: increased flexibility, weight loss and improved cardio health, just to name a few. But a major component of yoga is mental, says Alicia Rambo Wozniak of Easton Yoga. “If we only look at what we can ‘see' in a yoga practice, we miss the subtle benefits of how moving with breath intention becomes a tool that we can use to navigate the difficult fluctuations that happen in our lives every day.” And, just like practice makes perfect on those downward dog and tree poses, becoming proficient in the practice of meditation also takes time. But it's OK to take it one breath at a time.
“Even five minutes of conscious breathing can be a highly beneficial practice,” says Rambo Wozniak.
Surprising benefits of yoga:
It's a fertility friend. Research suggests that yoga can aid conception on a physiological level. Denise Mikovitch, owner of Kula Heart Yoga & Wellness in Bethlehem, says yoga can be a light of “clarity” for women dealing with the uncertainties and stresses of trying to conceive.
It can be a better hangover cure than a trip to the neighborhood diner. According to Fitness magazine, a quick round of yoga can help undo a night of indulgence. Just be sure to stay hydrated.
It can whip your lymphatic system into shape. The lymphatic system relies on movement to help rid the body of toxins, and yoga can play a key role in improving circulation. “The benefit,” says Mikovitch, “is to balance out the levels of lymph in your body, helping eliminate the waste products [and]prevent disease.”
What Is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)?
Whitney Carullo, co-owner of Bethlehem's Liven Up Health and Fitness, says the hottest trend in exercise now remains HIIT, in which short bursts of intense activity are followed by less intense recovery periods. But if you're not a fan, don't fret—there are lots of options out there. “Find something that you enjoy and stick with it,” Carullo says.

A Little Nip and Tuck...or Not
Determining the right time to pursue facial rejuvenation is a personal choice, says Dr. Samina Wahhab, who specializes in plastic and reconstructive surgery. But taking a more aggressive approach sooner may not be the answer. “There has been an increase in facial injectables at fairly young ages in actors and models, with the thought that preventing the lines from beginning will help to maintain a youthful appearance for a longer period,” Wahhab says. “There are no good scientific studies that actually prove this theory.”
Turning Back the Clock:
Mind your SPF.
Remembering to slather on the sunscreen remains an effective skin-maintenance routine. “Sun exposure definitely contributes to the aging process,” Wahhab says.
Know the difference between a plastic surgeon and a cosmetic surgeon.
“Anyone with a medical degree can take courses and seminars and call themselves a cosmetic surgeon,” Wahhab says. “Plastic surgeons have a minimum of six years of surgical training, including cosmetic surgery.”
A facelift is not a forgone conclusion.
Alternative treatments, like ultherapy, a non-surgical ultrasound treatment that aims to counteract the effects of gravity on the skin, have grown in popularity in recent years. “The combination of ULTHERAPY® and facial injections can produce results very similar to a facelift,” Wahhab says. “Patients who start facial rejuvenation with ULTHERAPY® early enough will be able to put off a surgical facelift for many years, or may not even feel the need for [one].”

Get Those ZZZs!
Thanks to the often rigorous demands of professional careers and home life, it's not uncommon for adults to bemoan their lack of quality sack time. According to the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health, one quarter of all American adults are not getting the recommended amount of sleep—and that's leading to more than just the dreaded bags under the eyes. St. Luke's University Health Network says sleeping less than seven to eight hours each night is tied to a number of chronic diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, stroke and even cancer. The health network's Sleep Disorder Center offers a number of tips for making the most of your nightly voyage to dreamland.
There's no need to turn down the thermostat.
The Center says while an excessively warm room can disturb sleep, there is no evidence that an excessively cold room can help you sleep better.
Say “no thanks” to that PM cup of coffee.
Caffeine in the evening hours can disturb sleep, even in those who don't think it does. It's also wise to avoid alcohol, which can set you up for a night of fragmented sleep.
Restless night? Don't fight it.
The Center says the harder you try to fall asleep, the more frustrated (and sleepless) you're likely to get. Instead, turn on the light, distract yourself and try to hit the hay again a little later.
Beware of popping sleeping pills.
While occasional use may help, most chronic insomniacs won't benefit.
(Source: St. Luke's Center for Neuroscience Sleep Disorder Centers)
Massage Therapy
You may think of massage as an indulgence, or even an unnecessary extravagance. Not so, says massage therapist Kathy Miller of Allentown's AchieveBalance4U. “Massage therapy may be the oldest form of medical care,” she says. “Julius Caesar used massage for his epilepsy. Bob Hope, who lived to be 100, had daily massages as part of his health regimen.” While massage is often perceived as a stress reliever (and yes, it is), many patients seek it out to grapple with bigger health problems, such as cancer, chronic pain, migraines and even depression. “One may think that they don't need [massage] or have a health issue yet, but they just don't know how far therapeutic massage has come,” Miller says.
A 60-minute massage is as beneficial as seven to eight hours of sleep for the body, according to Miller.
When should you schedule your next massage?
Maybe sooner than you think, says Mikovitch. “I tell all of my clients: Your body lets you know. Then pick at least a week before that to come back the next time.”
How much time should you be spending with your masseuse?
That depends on the type of massage you're getting (deep tissue, therapeutic, medical, etc.), and what your health needs are. “Every body is different,” Miller says.