Well it's the end of another busy week and I'm looking forward to escaping the office and enjoying this beautiful spring weather. The June issue is out the door, July layout is in full swing and we're anxiously awaiting the return of our Art Director, Elaine from her honeymoon. It's on to August editorial and with that brings another “In the Kitchen With . . .”
This time we caught up with global foodie/blogger/tweeter Sara Hafiz, who started her cooking classes two years ago to satisfy hungry Valley residents eager to learn about ethnic cuisine. One Tribe Gourmet was born out of Hafiz's love of traveling the world, sampling and learning about the cuisine of her favorite countries. Think of her as a much nicer, cuter version of Anthony Bourdain.

Her blog features creative recipes that will have you reaching for all those exotic spices you were too scared to use and meals are beautifully photographed by none other than Hafiz herself (photography is another passion born out of traveling). Following her on Twitter @onetribegourmet also keeps you up to speed on what she's cooking and where she's going.

Warm, down-to-earth and curious, you will not doubt love Hafiz's approach to cooking. Here are a few snaps from our photo shoot earlier this week. Check back soon!