We've all said it before: “Diet starts tomorrow.” But tomorrow becomes the next day, and then the next month, and soon we find ourselves in the same yearly cycle that we always experience. With spring upon us, it is the perfect time to detox our bodies from the winter binge eating. Spring cleaning is no longer just for your cluttered bedroom. Clean up your diet and feel better about yourself this spring. With just a few simple ingredient swaps at each meal, you can slowly change how you look and feel.

BREAKFAST: Swap Out Butter with Avocado
Avocados have become one of the trendiest superfoods, and you can pair this delicious fruit with just about anything without guilt. At breakfast, swap out white bread with wheat or rye bread and butter with a nice avocado spread. Avocados are packed with health benefits, one of them being the 20 vitamins they contain. This one little swap in the morning will leave you feeling satisfied.

LUNCH: Swap Out Soda with Sparkling Water
It's the middle of the day and you're thirsty. How nice it would be to sip on a nice cold soda? The problem is that your should-be productive day will be instantly slowed down with a stomach full of sugar. The simple swap of soda with sparkling water will make all the difference when craving carbonation but not the added calories. Sparkling waters come in a variety of flavors that will keep your thirst quenched and your body very happy.

DINNER: Swap Out Sour Cream with Greek Yogurt
Yogurt? On a taco? Who would have thought! This easy swap will mess with your brain making it think you're dolloping on loads of sour cream. Using Greek yogurt as a substitute will increase your protein and decrease your fat.
Interested in taking your clean eating to the next level? Read what happened when the Style Girls tried the Greenmouth Juice Cleanse.