Once again Lehigh Valley Style is proud to present Who's Who in Business, which recognizes local business leaders, as chosen by Lehigh Valley residents. The annual survey comes from Valley voters and compiled by the market research firm Polk-Lepson, based in York, who conducted independent research to determine the 2012 winners. This distinguished honor recognizes local businesses that have fostered consumer relationships over the years by providing a valuable service and being committed to quality.
For 29 years, Who's Who sees the importance of acknowledging local businesses and supporting the Lehigh Valley economy through this special program.
The Who's Who in Business campaign is a statistically accurate survey of consumer preference conducted in the Lehigh Valley. Here are the 2012 Who's Who Leaders.
ADULT CONTINUING EDUCATION: Lehigh UniversityAESTHETIC PHYSICIAN: Young Medical Spa Thomas E. Young, MDAPPLIANCE DEALER: Kleckner & Sons Appliance and ElectronicsART GALLERY OR MUSEUM: Allentown Art MuseumAUTO DEALER: Brown-Daub of Lehigh ValleyBAKERY: Egypt Star BakeryBANK: Wells FargoBANQUET FACILITY: Historic Hotel BethlehemBAR/TAVERN: Allentown and Bethlehem Brew WorksBEER: YuenglingBIRTHING CENTER: Lehigh Valley HospitalBOAT DEALER: Dinbokowitz Marine, Inc.CAMERA STORE: Dan's Camera CityCARPET AND FLOORING STORE: Crest Wholesale Carpet & Flooring DistributorsCARPET CLEANING SERVICE: Stanley SteemerCAR WASH: Rudy's Car WashCATERER: Maison Blanc CateringCHIROPRACTIC CENTER: Lehigh Valley Spinal Care CenterCHOCOLATIER: Josh Early CandiesCLEANING SERVICES: Merry MaidsCLOSET AND STORAGE PROFESSIONAL: Creative ClosetsCOLLEGE/UNIVERSITY: Lehigh UniversityCOLLISION CENTER: True2Form Collision Repair CentersCOSMETIC DENTISTRY: Lehigh Valley Smile DesignsCOSMETIC SURGEON: Kevitch & Chung Aesthetic Surgery AssociatesCREDIT UNION: People First Federal Credit UnionDOOR AND WINDOW REPLACEMENT: A.B.E. Doors & WindowsDRY CLEANER: American Dry CleanersEMPLOYMENT AGENCY: PA CareerLink® Lehigh ValleyFINANCIAL PLANNER: Merrill Lynch Wealth ManagementFINE DINING RESTAURANT: MeltFLORIST: Phoebe Floral ShopFUEL OIL DEALER: Deiter Bros. Heating and Cooling SecurityFUNERAL HOME: Bachman, Kulik & Reinsmith Funeral Homes, P.C.FURNITURE STORE: Ethan AllenGARDEN CENTER: Dan Schantz Greenhouse & Cut Flower OutletGAS/WOOD/PELLET STOVE DEALER: Stoves ‘n StuffGOLF COURSE: Allentown Municipal Golf CourseHAIR SALON/DAY SPA: American HairlinesHEALTH/FITNESS CLUB: LA FitnessHEALTH INSURANCE PROVIDER: Capital BlueCrossHEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING: Deiter Bros. Heating and Cooling SecurityHOME AUDIO/VIDEO: Lehigh Valley Sight & SoundHOME SECURITY SYSTEM: ADT Security SystemsHOSPITAL: Lehigh Valley HospitalHOT DOG SHOP: Yocco'sHOTEL: Historic Bethlehem HotelINSURANCE AGENCY: Erie InsuranceICE CREAM SHOP: Bethlehem Dairy StoreJEWELER: Freeman JewelersKITCHEN & BATH SUPPLIER: Morris Black DesignsLANDSCAPING CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER: PlantiqueLAW FIRM OR LAWYER: Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, P.C.LIGHTING STORE: Lighting Fixture & Supply Co.LIMOUSINE SERVICE: J & J Affordable Luxury TransportationLUXURY AUTO DEALER: Daniels BMWMORTGAGE COMPANY: Wells Fargo FinancialMOTORCYCLE DEALER: Crossroads Harley-DavidsonMRI IMAGING CENTER: Lehigh Valley HospitalNEW HOME BUILDER: Toll BrothersPAINTING CONTRACTOR: Sobrinski Painting Inc.PERSONAL CARE/ASSISTED LIVING: Phoebe Allentown Health Care CenterPEST CONTROL: EhrlichPET SUPPLIES AND GROOMING: Paws to TailPHYSICAL REHABILITATION SERVICES: Good Shepherd RehabilitationPLUMBING: Roto-RooterPOOL SALES AND SUPPLY: Olympic PoolsPOOL TABLE STORE: GebhardtsPRIVATE SCHOOL (K-8): Moravian AcademyREAL ESTATE AGENCY: RE/MAXSHOPPING MALL: Lehigh Valley MallSKI RESORT: Blue Mountain Ski AreaSOURCE FOR LOCAL NEWS: Channel 69 News WFMZ-TVSUPERMARKET: WegmansTAX SERVICES: H&R BlockTECHNICAL/TRADE SCHOOL: Lehigh Carbon Community CollegeTELEVISION/CABLE PROVIDER: Service Electric Cable TV & CommunicationsTRAVEL AGENCY: AAAVETERINARIAN: Lehigh Valley Animal HospitalWINERY: Clover Hill Vineyards & WineryWIRELESS PHONE SERVICE: Verizon Wireless