By: Style Scene, Lehigh Valley Style March 2015, Lehigh Valley Style, Gallery, feed - style scene, Events

: Sherry Devine, Lauren Lacesa and Amanda Lacesa

: Kelly Guttman

: Kate Mancini

: Sharon Masemore and Lauren Masemore

: Ashley Rodgers and Karen Rodgers

: Courtney Ciccone and Jamie Thomas

: Jean Wertman and Lisa Prass

: Dawn Hamm, Tiffany Hamm and Michele Hunsicker

: Erica Schneid and Tyson Frantz

: Jaime Brogan and Michael Rebner

: Kathy Robinson and Pam Koeshartanto

: Kay Cochran and Lindsay Cochran

: Angie Ferrier, Karen Sampson and Sarah-Kate Young

: Linda Borshansky and Jamie MoDavis

: Lisa Fifield, Chloe Fifield and Grace Fifield

: Robyn Raisner-Otcesen and Karen Reiger

: Michelle Marie Walia

: Joseph and Kathleen Billie

: Kevin Wenck and Allison Hengst

: Sherrie Hines and Deb Carroll

: KC Morgans, Jamie MoDavis and Linda Borshansky

: Polly Beste, David Yanoshik and Megan Beste

: William Savage and Lisa Gotto

: Jamie Thomas, Leah Freeman and Jayson Morgan

: Marlene Ambrogio, Kate Sabota and Beverly Wildonger

: Nancy Corveleyn, Michael Pierce and Lisa Harkins

: Larry and Pat Bittner

: Nicole Pudvah and Teresa Rex

: Beth Jacobus and Lauren Smith

: Cindy Schiffer and Tracey Seidel

: Bob and Vicki Bennett

: Susan Molina and Priscilla Rosado

photos by emma horning