By: Style Scene, Gallery, Lehigh Valley Style, Happy Hour, feed - style scene, Lehigh Valley Style September 2014, Events

: Allison Slowitsky, Megan McNamara and Meghan McGrath

: Andy Bowers, Justin Teles, Lisa Lyon and Brandon Zittrer

: Brian Seidel and Sonia Strockyj

: Christina Kane, Samantha Chitswara and Cortney Moody

: Bonnie Schaefer and Elena Pascal

: Brian Panella and Christine Werley

: Logan Kendy and Kasey Moyer

: Allison Slowitsky, Emilee Hajdu, Megan McGrath and Megan McNamara

: Valerie Bittner and Joe McDermott

: Jenny Frei and Dan Mies

: Laura Czuba and Andrea Koncz

: Chris and Christina Bennick

: Charlene Yurko, Sandy Gregurovic and Jeanette Miller

: Kenlynn Amodei and Ashlee Musselman

: Judianne Harris, Randi Mautz, Elaynee Polentes and Kari Keyock

: Sonia Strockyj and Nora Nielsen

: Meghan Moser, Cindy Kennedy and Judith Young

: Lisa Flores and Sandy Salavati

: Tory Weaver, Rhonda York and Janie Ferrigno

: Trista Attanasio and Teena Renfrow

: Michael Boulos, Melinda Hoffner and Abe Kassis

: Sandy Salavati, Lisa Flores, Laura Czuba and Andrea Koncz

: Stella DeSantis and Nora Nielsen

: Sue Weisler-Smith and Therese Kelley
photos by Colin Coleman Fotos