By: Gallery, Who's Who, Lehigh Valley Style June 2012, Style Scene, Lehigh Valley Style

: Carry Gerber

: Kay Kurtz-Vogl and Collette Hadinger

: Linda Hanna, Deana Zosky and Ed Hanna

: Al Douglass, David Osborn, Amy Smart, Ray Ahisano, Kathleen Delong, Shawn Swartz, David Harth, Chad Devork, Greg Ozgar and Emmanvel Angelopoulos

: John Gebhardt

: Brad Rinehart

: David Ferrari and Barbara Gregory

: Jon Black

: Al Bova

: Paula Young

: Tim Himmelwright, Steve Salash, John Walson and Jack Capparell

: Kelly Frantz

: Ellyn Elstein

: Ashley Keller and Laura Bogert

: Pat Skrip and Kari Skrip

: Nanci Oakley

: Sally McCorrisan and Theresa Podguski

: Jessica Dobil and Marcy Dobil

: Sue and Jim Brophy

: Chris Iacocca

: Colleen Mooney-McGee, Joe Roller, Vicki Doulé and Anne Baum

: Joe Bubba and Megan Beste

: Jim Lett

: John and Denise Cali

: Carol Gibiser and Audrey Rehnert

: Mary Stubbmann