Located at the event center at blue, to honor female volunteers in Bethlehem
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Amy Thompson, Andrea Weismiller, Nani Cuadrado, Susan Acevedo, Diane Harpster, Rachel Iacovone, Lina Perugini and Erica Hummel
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Anna Holmes and Maryanne Talipan
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Anthony Ramirez, Kelley Daughtery, Mark Erikson, Andrea Weismiller, David Ruth, John Beard, Becky Zavilla, and Claudia Stemler
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Corinne Goodwin and Stephanie Hnatiw
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Darlene Pors and Ann Marie Supinski
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Dolly Dyer and Lenore Stine
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Doug Brown, Marc Whipperman, Betsy Clarke, Maria and Tom Noon, and Bill Noon
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Erica Hummel, Rachel Iacovone, Lina Perugini and Selena Liu
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Erica Hummel, Viera Hummel and Debbie Hummel
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Ilene Wood, Ray Starner and Mary Beth Golab
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Lorraine Letcher, Cheryl and Rocco Perugini, and Lina Perugini
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Marlene and Mike Markle, Cheryl Wilson and Lynn Heiney
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Nani Cuadrado, Bennie Eliason, Susan Stachowski, Donna Taggart and Catharine Kessack
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Polly Beste, Liz Scofield, Gail Evans and Megan Beste
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Rita Krick, Pat Schoenen and Dianne Zumas
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Susan Acevedo, Connor Acevedo, Korinne Acevedo and Joseph Acevedo
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Tracy Mulvaney, Joy Albanese, Stacey Blowars, Denise Smale, Susan Acevedo, Tracey Miller and Jane Brooks
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Viginia Oskin, Tina Hasselbusch, Melissa Siegfried, Kelly Chando and Kris Warner