1 of 13
Linda Lapos and Paul Wirth
2 of 13
Paul and Patty Huck
3 of 13
John and Anne Morahan
4 of 13
Rev. Monsignor James Treston, Bishop John Barres, Very Rev. Daniel Gambet and Pamela Russo
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Robert O'Hara, Very Rev. Daniel Gambet and Jay Leeson
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Sarah and Mike Wascura, and Ron and Mary Rogozinski
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Shirley and Joe Hixson
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Tom Hare, Mary Ellen Herzog, Cathy Coyne and Lise Twiford
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Lynn and Mike Albarell
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Michael Mullin
11 of 13
Bill and Rose Marie Sharle
12 of 13
Ray and Teri Bishop
13 of 13
Javier Cevallos, Chuck Stinner and Tim Fallon
photos by john simitz