1 of 26
Toni-Ann ad Terence Dickenson
2 of 26
Cheryl Wojcicki and Linda Sheriff
3 of 26
Susan Sillivan and Lori Gilmartin
4 of 26
Katrine and Kelly Krause
5 of 26
Amy, Hanna and Steve Bowers
6 of 26
Tuesday and MacKenna Smith
7 of 26
Judy Brandt
8 of 26
Mike and Abbey Heimbach
9 of 26
Micki Wechsler
10 of 26
Michelle Graffis
11 of 26
Michelle Graffis, Laura Neary and Katie Neary
12 of 26
Sherron and Emily Quinn
13 of 26
Monica and Leah Morris
14 of 26
Christine Erdossy
15 of 26
Ruby and Joy Supinski
16 of 26
Doug and Linda Sheriff and Karen and Rick Sampson
17 of 26
Erica and Addison Kleinle
18 of 26
Karen and Rick Sampson
19 of 26
Katie and Madi Pope
20 of 26
Kristine Drexler
21 of 26
Lauren and Susanna Freed
22 of 26
Louise and Nichole Fisher
23 of 26
Angie Holzinger, McKenna Burkhardt, Paige Diaz and Shannon Burkhardt
24 of 26
Loreta Giarro, Debbie Loquasto and Ruthann Siegfried
25 of 26
Sharron Miller and Mary Principato
26 of 26
Keith Ferrier and Mary McLaughlin
photos by john mclaughlin